
Willow Grove Worldwide Ltd


Willow Grove Worldwide Ltd are a transfer agent and clearance financial services provider that offers top of the line financial services all across the globe. We understand that the most efficient way we are able to serve our clients is by providing unique and innovative solutions that are tailored to their needs.

If you are representing a Public Company:

Willow Grove Worldwide Ltd offers our clients the full comprehensive range of professional transfer agent and clearing services to public companies. We use top of the range industry leading technology designed to meet all of the complex needs that our clients and their shareholders have. Our public company services include:

  • Certificate transfers
  • Non-certificated, book-entry transactions
  • Stockholder reports and correspondence
  • Annual meeting support
  • Restricted stock transfers
  • Official registrar of stock records
  • Comprehensive proxy services, including e-Proxy/Notice & Access
  • Certificate issuances
  • Lost certificate replacements
  • Digitized recordkeeping for stockholder communications and documentation
  • Abandoned property
  • Tax reporting

If you are representing a Private Company:

Willow Grove Worldwide Ltd have developed an innovative and unique way for private company stockholder records to be stored. We have developed a system that’s goal is to provide our clients with a cost efficient solution in comparison with paralegals and lawyers for similar services. We are able to offer our clients a wide range of services from stock ledger maintenance, processing share transfers, to issuing additional shares upon the closing of your financing period.

Some of the major benefits of utilizing Willow Grove Worldwide Ltd for your private company shareholder maintenance needs include:

  • Benefits to counsel include having our experienced staff of processors and attorneys handle restricted share transfers reduction of liability and efficient support.
  • Significant cost savings
  • Maintain an electronic book-entry system
  • Go green: environmentally-friendly paperless share issue and transfer; your stock delivered with a click of a mouse.
  • Benefits to investors include shares held in book entry form

For both public and private companies our exceptional shareholder relations along with in Depth Company reports improves the communication aspects between you and your shareholders as well as the efficiency of your documentation. For issuers we also provide 24/7 support and access to shareholder information, so that you can always have the information you need when you need it.

For more information or to find out how we can assist you email us at info@northernlight.solutions